• Tuesdays, Sep 5, 2017 through Sep 26 2017 18:30-20:30pm
  • Basel Center for Mindfulness (Schluesselberg 4)
  • Course with Karine Bell Hugentobler, MSc

Communication is a broad and rich topic of exploration in our mindfulness practice.  When we approach our communication with mindfulness, we create the potential for even-deeper levels of self-exploration and insight to take place.

In this course we’ll explore the layers of experience involved in the process of communication, and how we can learn to communicate in ways that enhance understanding. Expanding on themes from MBSR course, and incorporating elements from Non-Violent Communication (NVC), the course will include interactive practice sessions and other coursework.

What we’ll cover each week:

Week One:  Establishing presence, Intention and Human needs

Week Two:  Handling Emotions and Empathy in Communication

Week Three: Observations vs. judgments, Requests & Agreements (learning „no“)

Week Four:  Dialogue and Challenging Situations

The course will take place over 4 weeks to allow us time between sessions to reflect on the topics and work with the practices, and then come back with observations and examples from our everyday lives, and opportunities to reflect on them and ask questions.

The course will take place on the following dates: 5.September, 12.September, 19. September and 26. September at the lovely Basel Center for Mindfulness (see photo attached), which is located near Marktplatz in the city center.  Each meeting evening will be 2-2.5 hours, depending on group size.

Who this course is for: This course is open to those who have already completed the 8-week MBSR or MBCT course.

Course cost: The cost of this course will be 400chf, including study materials.

Register now

Please contact me by phone at 076 702 1124 or email to express interest in this course, or to discuss the program in more detail.